It’s Mental Health Month!


Hello! Welcome back to Healthy Mentality. It is almost the end of the semester! In response to the comments shared on our blog and Facebook page, the H.M team would like to provide more information about the mental wellbeing activities at UNSW.

Each year in October we celebrate Mental Health Month in NSW, in the aim of spreading awareness about mental health and encouraging friends and loved ones to speak up! This year, the theme of the Mental Health Month (2018) is ‘Share your Journey.’ For our Hong Kong community, this subject is the perfect opportunity for students to share their experiences as students (international and local), and the highlights/difficulties they’ve encountered.

At UNSW, the wellbeing department offers a series of events and seminars, to help students relieve stress during their final weeks.

  • Tai Chi

What is it about? Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese tradition, considered a highly effective form of stress relief and mental wellbeing.  Hosted by Angela Zhu (a Qi Gong and Tai Chi Instructor), her sessions will be the perfect opportunity for our Hong Kong students, to reduce their stress learn more about traditional Chinese culture.

DATE: Every Tuesday in October 9th – 30th

TIME:  12pm – 1pm

LOCATION: Law building (F8)

COST: Free!!

NOTE:  Registering is Recommended. Please visit

For further information, please click here.

  • Seminar- Getting a Good Night’s sleep

What is it about? This seminar will help you understand and identify specific types of sleep problems and learn practical strategies to overcome them. As we have stressed before, it is highly recommended our Hong Kongers prioritise their sleep, especially around assessment time. To learn more about ways to settle down, after studying, please attend this session!

DATE: Thursday the 18thof October.

TIME:  12pm – 1pm.

LOCATION: Central Lecture Block 3 (E19)

COST: Free!!

NOTE: Registering is Recommended. Please visit or register here.

For more information about this seminar, please click here.

We strongly encourage our Hong Kong students to participate in these activities and write a review on our Facebook page and Instagram!

With love, Cilo xx


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