Hiring a ghostwriter is not the solution!

  The H.M team would like to thank Yunyi and Kristy for sharing their experiences and difficulties of studying abroad with us. Throughout the interview, we noticed that some international students hire ghostwriters to write essays or assignments for them. We understand that international students may be challenged by writing in English. However, hiring a … Continue reading Hiring a ghostwriter is not the solution!

Interviewing our international student (Part 1/2 )!

At Healthy Mentality we are dedicated to the wellbeing of our students. To successfully write relevant content our community finds helpful, it was essential our team learnt more about the personal hardships our Hong Kong students endure. Thankfully, two courageous students shared their personal experiences with mental health, through two separate one-on-one interviews. We encourage … Continue reading Interviewing our international student (Part 1/2 )!

Mid-Semester break tips for stress relief

Welcome back to Healthy Mentality! It’s the second last day of Mid-Sem break, and the thought of returning to uni is daunting. It is essential we all recharge in preparation for our upcoming assessments and exams. But how? Check out our four hot tips for eliminating stress and conquering the final weeks of uni! Go outside. … Continue reading Mid-Semester break tips for stress relief

UNSW Language Program for international students

Hello everyone! We hope you are enjoying your mid-semester break so far! As discussed in the previous post, the majority of our international Hong Kong students struggle with language barriers when commencing their studies in Australia. Therefore, in this blog post, the H.M. Team would like to recommend a few services provided by UNSW’s Student … Continue reading UNSW Language Program for international students

Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival Night

At Healthy Mentality, we understand international students often lack the courage to participate in the university’s social events. Our aim is to ensure all members of our H.M community are thriving, as we believe positive minds = successful results. Step out of your comfort zone! By taking the initiative to interact with different social groups, … Continue reading Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival Night

Challenges our International Students often experience.

Welcome back to Healthy Mentality! As local students, we are often oblivious to the hardships our peers endure, especially international students. In the spirit of R U OK Day, and thinking about others, this blog post will provide a general description of the most common difficulties experienced by international students. 1. Language barriers – Since … Continue reading Challenges our International Students often experience.