3 Foods that reduce mental illness

Hi, welcome back the Healthy Mentality! It is almost the end of the semester! We understand that many of you are fighting for a huge amount of assessments and final exams. But don’t forget the nutrition strategy! The right food can be effective in eliminating stress and boosting concentration during the final weeks. Therefore, in this blog post, we would recommend 3 foods help you relax and feel better.

  • Dark Chocolate


A pure chocolate without any sugar or milk is one of the best foods to help our Hong Kong students battle with anxiety and stress. Chocolate can reduce cortisol (Stress Hormones), which is a great choice to calm your mind naturally and improve mood.

  • Hong Kong dessert 


Who can refuse the Hong Kong dessert like milk pudding and egg tarts? According to Psychology Today, a teaspoon of sugar can help calm us down and boost energy.

One of the best places to eat Hong Kong dessert, we highly recommend is Ching Yip Coffee Lounge. We strongly encourage our Hong Kong students to Invite a friend and indulge in their incredible Hong Kong dessert, for a guaranteed pleasing afternoon!

  • Acai Berries


Acai berries are much more than just a delicious smoothie! They are rich in phytonutrient, which can be very beneficial for relieving stress.

If you find other delicious foods helpful in reducing your stress, let us know by replying on our blog or commenting on our Facebook page and Instagram!

With love, Cilo xx



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