Movie Recommendation – Mad World (一念無明)



Hey there! In the spirit of Stress-Less Week and our communities’ love for film, we would like to recommend one of our favourites- ‘Mad World’. Extremely relevant to our cause, this dramatic tale addresses the variety of social issues experienced in Hong Kong. The protagonist, Tung (Shawn Yue) struggles to overcome the misconceptions surrounding mental health and his acceptance of his bipolar disorder.

Starring Shawn Yue and Eric Tsang, ‘Mad World’ offers an authentic glimpse into the life of the grassroots in Hong Kong. Portrayed through the perspective of a father and a son, who is a bipolar disorder patient, the pair finds themselves trapped at the bottom of the social ladder. Experiencing frequent emotional fluctuations, intense work pressures and poor living condition, the family is faced with societal discrimination but are helpless in improving their situations. Subtly, the movie criticises the Hong Kong healthcare system and public reactions to mental health patients.

Healthy Mentality always encourages people to share their stories with mental health with others and build a supportive community among us. However, it will not succeed until we remove the taboo around mental health illness. We believe texts like ‘Mad World’ which educate their audiences about mental health, offer the perfect opportunity to spark conversation and encourage others to ask “Are U okay?

We really hope you enjoy the movie! Tell us what you think about it in the comment section below 😊

Love, Katie xx

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