Why Hong Kong Students?

student stress

When discussing our campaign, people often ask why choose an extremely niche demographic of students? Why Hong Kong students?

Over the last few weeks, we have offered our community multiple articles, discussing the array of mental health services available on campus. We have encouraged our students to prioritise their mental wellbeing during assessment times, however, we have not addressed the reasoning behind our choice.

The reality is Hong Kong is facing a mental health epidemic, and, our survey results reveal 51.36% of our international students were suffering mental illness before they relocated to Australia. Only 16.22% accessed support services!!!!

It has been reported 60% of Hong Kong residents experience mental health issues, attributed to long working hours and a poor quality of life. A CNN report revealed suicide is a major cause of death in the country, with Hong Kong rated 6th in Asia. Their citizens are often ashamed to access their support networks due to stigma, and the limited registered psychiatrists (10 counsellors/100000 people) in the country makes it also extremely difficult to seek professional help.

These reports and our own research indicate some international students have unaddressed mental health issues. These students need our help and the courage to speak up! This is why Healthy Mentality exists- to serve our Hong Konger community and encourage all to access support services when in need.

With love, Alex xx










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