Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival Night


At Healthy Mentality, we understand international students often lack the courage to participate in the university’s social events. Our aim is to ensure all members of our H.M community are thriving, as we believe positive minds = successful results.

Step out of your comfort zone!

By taking the initiative to interact with different social groups, you will expand your social circle and improve your support network.

It is Mid-Sem break! Let your hair down before the gruelling semester returns!

Not sure of any upcoming events? Well, we have the answer- The Mid-Autumn Festival Night!

The annual Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festival celebrating the rise of a full moon. Hosted on the 27thof September at the Golden Unicorn Chinese Restaurant, this special occasion is the perfect night-out with friend and families.

Organised through UNSW’s HKSA society, the event is open to all students and is offering endless goodies and “mooncakes” for our Hong Kongers!

Priced at an affordable $18 for existing HKSA members and $20 for non-members, we believe this investment is well worth it!

We encourage all who attend, to share their photos on our Facebook page and tag us “@healthymentality_unsw” in their Insta pics!

With love, Cilo xx

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